Letter: A birth helped by Foresight

Fiona Luck
Saturday 26 April 1997 23:02 BST

I object to the tone of Celia Dodd's article "Planning for a superbaby" (Real Life, 20 April), which described the advice given by Foresight as extreme.

As I neared 30, my husband and I decided to start a family. I stopped taking the pill, started taking folic acid, and fully expected to have a child in my arms by the time I was 31.

Yesterday was my 34th birthday, but at last I am able to celebrate holding my five-month- old daughter. We have suffered two miscarriages but weren't prepared to experience another before the NHS offered us tests.

To improve our chances, we contacted Foresight. You need to have a reasonable income to afford the investigative tests and organic diet advocated by Foresight, which is campaigning to get the NHS to adopt its methods. Of course, we will never know whether our daughter would be with us had we just gone ahead and tried again - but I am grateful to Foresight; at the very least we have given our daughter the best possible start.

Fiona Luck

Reigate, Surrey

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