How long should you wait before moving in together?

Alison Taylor has just moved into her boyfriend's flat after nine months of dating

Alison Taylor
Saturday 28 November 2015 00:05 GMT

I asked myself that very question last weekend as the final box was dumped in the hall of my boyfriend's flat – the one I've just moved into. I find it's always better to Google life's bigger decisions once you've already made them.

I'm wondering about timelines because the reactions from friends and colleagues has definitely erred on the "so soon?" side (it's been nine months so, you know, long enough to have a baby…). Somewhat laughably, when I was on the phone to Sky arranging to move my service, even the Sky guy was questioning my decision to co-habit: "Ooh are you sure? I couldn't live with my girlfriend!" I couldn't help but laugh though. "Luckily when we start hating each other I'll have the full Sky package to keep me company", was my response.

Someone at work was very raised-eyebrows about it, too. She and her boyfriend had been together for five years before taking the plunge. Another friend is waiting for the one-year mark. I can't help but think they are driven by their age. The five-year couple started dating at uni . Waiting five years at my age – 38 – is completely at odds with the wealth of experience I've already amassed on these matters (ahem). If you don't know by two or three years, let alone five, isn't that your answer? But what are the stats? I find a 2015 survey conducted by that asked thousands of people without mortgages what they think is the optimum time to shack up. Which bracket came out on top? The 6-12 month one! So, naysayers, I guess my relationship adds up after all.

For me, though, it's emotion-driven, not numbers-driven. I want to set up home with my boyfriend. "I've got curry for you at home", was an innocuous text I sent to him last week. "Having you say home is a nice feeling," was his reply.


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