Bernie Sanders reveals he trusts Biden more than Hillary Clinton: ‘We are not going to double cross each other’

‘We are not going to double-cross each other,’ Vermont Senator says

Louise Hall
Monday 14 June 2021 12:55 BST
Bernie Sanders says he 'trusts' Joe Biden, and that president trusts him
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Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has revealed how he trusts Joe Biden more than Hillary Clinton, saying she only “tolerated him” during her 2016 campaign.

In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Mr Sanders said he was made to feel “very welcome” when he reached out to the Biden campaign when he was preparing to withdraw from the 2020 race.

“It was a little different than from Hillary Clinton in 2016,” CNN host Gloria Borger said. “Yes, yes, it is,” insisted Mr Sanders.

“You weren’t welcomed?” the host then asked the long-time senator. “I was tolerated,” replied Mr Sanders. “My support was — they wanted my support, obviously.”

The Vermont lawmaker said that although the president sometimes does things that he thinks “are really not a good idea”, he “understands why he does it.”

“Because he’s made promises to people, and he wants to keep his promises,” Mr Sanders explained.

He went on to agree that the president had always kept his promises to him, saying he had a “very strong sense of loyalty, which I like and respect.”

“We are going to have our differences,” Mr Sanders concluded, “but I ultimately trust you, and you are going to trust me.”

He added: “We are not going to double-cross each other. There will be bad times, but we are going to get through this together.”

Mr Sanders and Ms Clinton, the former secretary of state, have had a tense relationship in the past, particularly during the 2016 and 2020 presidential primaries.

Mr Sanders launched a bid for the presidency in 2016 as one of the Democratic primary candidates but eventually endorsed Ms Clinton and campaigned for her election.

However, in 2020, when Mr Sanders once again launched his own bid for president, Ms Clinton declined to tell The Hollywood Reporter whether she would endorse Mr Sanders in return.

The former first lady blamed "his online Bernie Bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women” as the reason for her hesitancy.

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