Murdered pensioner, 88, died of head injury as police search for suspects

Neighbours fear widower was targeted by burglars after reports of ‘men in fake hazmat suits’ and spate of break ins

Chiara Giordano
Thursday 30 April 2020 16:00 BST
Forensic officers from Surrey Police investigate the suspected murder of an 88-year-old man, named locally as Dennis Kellond, who was found dead at his bungalow in the village of Godstone on 27 April 2020.
Forensic officers from Surrey Police investigate the suspected murder of an 88-year-old man, named locally as Dennis Kellond, who was found dead at his bungalow in the village of Godstone on 27 April 2020. (PA)

An 88-year-old man feared to have been murdered during a burglary died from a head injury, police have revealed.

Surrey Police launched a murder probe after the victim, named locally as Dennis Kellond, was found dead at his bungalow in the village of Godstone, in Surrey, on Monday morning.

Neighbours have claimed men wearing makeshift hazmat suits and face masks were caught on CCTV over Easter, when there was a spate of garden burglaries in the area.

A police spokeswoman would not confirm whether the force was pursuing a potential burglary as one of its lines of inquiry.

Mr Kellond, who lived alone following the death of his wife, has been described as a “pleasant and smiley” person by neighbours, who have been left in a “state of shock” by the death.

Reverend Peter O’Connell, from nearby St Nicholas Church, who said Mr Kellond was ”helpful” and “nice to talk to”, added: “He was still out and about coming to things like coffee mornings at 88, still involved in village life and will be missed.

“It’s just a shock to have someone like that to have trouble come to him.”

Mr Kellond is said to have been an “avid player” of the ball game petanque, and an online fundraiser has been set up to get the pitch on the village green named in his memory.

“He was an absolute legend and we had many a great evening playing the game with friends,” the woman behind the fundraiser wrote.

Detectives confirmed Mr Kellond’s cause of death was the result of a head injury on Wednesday evening.

East Surrey Chief Inspector Alan Sproston said: “Firstly, I would like to reassure the local community that we are doing everything we can to find out what has happened and to identify and bring to justice those responsible for this horrendous crime.

“Our thoughts remain with his family and friends at this time who are being supported by specialist officers.”

A further update on the investigation is expected later on Thursday.

(Steve Parsons/PA
(Steve Parsons/PA (Steve Parsons/PA)

Forensics investigators have combed the house and surrounding area for evidence but detectives are now asking members of the public to come forward with information.

Ch Insp Sprotson said: “We are pursuing a number of lines of enquiry but would particularly like to appeal to anyone who was in the A25/ Bletchingley Road area of Godstone between Ivy Mill Lane and Knights Way between 10am and 3pm on Saturday 25 April and who may have seen something suspicious, to come forward as a matter of urgency.

“The road is a well-travelled route which is also used by walkers and cyclists, and we are also appealing to anyone who may have dashcam or video footage to get in touch with us as soon as possible.”

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson added: “We are appealing for the public’s help as we continue our extensive enquiries following the discovery of the body of an elderly man at a residential address in Godstone on 27 April.

“A murder investigation was launched after the body of the 88-year-old man, who has not yet been formally identified, was found at an address in Bletchingley Road just before 11am.

“A post mortem carried out yesterday has revealed that the man died as the result of a head injury.

“Officers are working tirelessly to establish the circumstances leading up to the man’s death. Teams of police have been carrying out house to house enquiries, forensic and search units have been making detailed investigations, and detectives are continuing to question people.

“Officers have also stepped up patrols in the area to provide reassurance to the local community.”

Additional reporting by agencies.

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