Glamorgan sausages

Main course: serves 4

Simon Hopkinson
Saturday 13 April 2002 00:00 BST

This deliciously tasty savoury comes from the pages of Jane Grigson's wonderful book English Food. Which, of course, it really shouldn't. Glamorgan is in Wales. A nice recipe for vegetarians and Anne Robinson.

150g grated Caerphilly or Lancashire cheese
100g fresh white breadcrumbs
2tbsp finely chopped spring onions or small, tender leeks
3 egg yolks
1 heaped tbsp chopped parsley
Half tsp fresh thyme leaves
1 level tsp mustard powder
salt and pepper
1 egg white, loosely beaten
extra breadcrumbs
oil for frying
sprigs of parsley for deep-frying (optional)

Mix the cheese, breadcrumbs and spring onion, or leek. Whisk the yolks, herbs, mustard and seasoning together - use about 1tsp salt and plenty of pepper -- and add to the breadcrumbs and cheese to make a coherent mixture. If the breadcrumbs and cheese were on the dry side, you may need another yolk or a little water before everything hangs together as it should. Divide into 12 and roll each piece into a small sausage about 5cm long. Dip into egg white, roll in the extra breadcrumbs and fry until golden in the oil. If you want to garnish the sausages with fried parsley, simply drop a handful of very dry parsley sprigs into the deep frying fat for a few seconds until dark green in colour. Drain, tip on to kitchen paper and sprinkle with fine sea salt.

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