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Inside Business

Why it’s time to bin Marmite – and no it’s not just because of the terrible taste

Unilever has promised the City that it will put price rises and fancy margins above high-priced mergers and acquisitions. Consumers should take note, writes James Moore

Thursday 10 February 2022 21:30 GMT
Unilever’s pricey product: will consumers act if it pushes up costs?
Unilever’s pricey product: will consumers act if it pushes up costs? (PA)

Unilever has long been held up as an exemplar of a better kind of capitalism, so much so that certain old school reactionary City types have taken to moaning that it is too “woke” and needs to put their interests above speaking out on social causes or reducing the impact packaging has on the environment.

Take a look in the direction of the Square Mile and Canary Wharf and you might even be able to see the hot air rising. It’s probably contributing a degree or two to the rise in global temperatures on its own.

As you might have guessed, these arguments are open to question. Just ask the unions about the impact of the group’s periodic cost-cutting drives on the people who work there. Alternatively, we could consider the latest results.

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