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Sports Letters: Equal footing

Ms Nicola Hill
Wednesday 28 July 1993 23:02 BST

Sir: (Women's Cricket, 27 July). I do not play cricket, I do not watch cricket but I am vaguely interested to learn what is happening in the Women's World Cup. Instead I have to trawl through a style of writing which would not be out of place in the early part of this century.

Casting sportswomen in the Mallory Towers stereotype is patronising and devalues the work, skill and level of training which is undertaken by women who are required to balance the demands of their jobs, and in many cases their families, with representing sport at international level. I imagine The Independent would expect us to find this style of reporting entertaining - regrettably we've seen it too many times before.

Yours faithfully,


London SE12

27 July

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