Referee violently attacked in north London amateur football match

Footage showed the referee, believed to be in his late 20s, being chased and then tripped to the ground where he was kicked by several players and spectators

Thursday 24 May 2018 17:33 BST
Sunday league referee attacked by players at London match

An attack on a referee during a Sunday League football match in London has been labelled “the worst assault on a match official on British soil”.

The incident occurred during a cup match run by the Turkish Community Football Federation in north London.

Footage showed the referee, believed to be in his late 20s, being chased and then tripped to the ground where he was kicked by several players and spectators.

The referee suffered bruising but not broken bones.

“This is the worse assault on a match official we have seen on British soil,” said Ref Support’s chief executive Martin Cassidy.

Both the Metropolitan Polivce and the London Football Association are investigating the incident.

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