Iran nuclear deal reached in Vienna talks could allow UN inspectors into facilities - as it happened

Tehran has agreed to allow UN inspectors to request visits to its sites

Lizzie Dearden
Tuesday 14 July 2015 17:16 BST
International sanctions on Iran could be lifted as a result of the deal
International sanctions on Iran could be lifted as a result of the deal (AFP/Getty Images)

A landmark deal has been reached with Iran over its nuclear capabilities following talks with Britain, the US and other nations in Vienna.

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A diplomat confirmed the agreement to the Associated Press, saying it includes a compromise between Washington and Tehran that would allow UN inspectors to press for visits to Iranian military sites as part of their monitoring duties.

Another Iranian official told Reuters: “All the hard work has paid off and we sealed a deal. God bless our people.”

It was unclear whether access to facilities could be refused or delayed – a possibility concerning critics who claim that the Iranian government will be able to hide any sign of deviation from its commitments.

The European Union had announced a final meeting due at 8.30am in the Austrian capital, where Iranian officials are meeting with representatives from the )5+1 group of nations.

Iranian men scan newspapers in downtown Tehran, Iran, as the talks continued
Iranian men scan newspapers in downtown Tehran, Iran, as the talks continued (AP)

Under the proposal as it stood last night, Tehran would have the right to challenge the UN request and an arbitration board composed of Iran and the six world powers that negotiated with it would have to decide on the issue.

Some Iranian officials have previously vowed that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would never be permitted, accusing Western governments of using them as a cover for military espionage.

The decade-long negotiations are aimed at reaching a conclusive deal to limit Iran's nuclear programme in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.

While Iran insists its uranium enrichment-related and reprocessing activities are for peaceful purposes but the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany are pushing for assurances that the technology cannot be used to build an atomic bomb.

The latest proposals will be considered by the UN Security Council and are expected to be endorsed by the end of the month.

Additional reporting by agencies

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