The video that shows the Syrian peace talks cannot come soon enough

Aid worker shown in footage sitting silently next to the body of a young girl who drowned

Samuel Osborne
Monday 25 January 2016 16:08 GMT
Volunteer observes silence as baby girl washes up on Kagia beach

As Syrian peace talks stalled on Monday, a video emerged showing a rescue worker sitting in silence next to the body of a young girl who washed up on a beach on the Greek island of Lesvos.

The footage shows the man kneeling down while protecting the body of the girl, who is wrapped in a foil sheet.

According to Lighthouse - Refugee Relief on Lesvos, the girl was found by a volunteer nurse and local resident on Sunday morning.

Bodies of baby girls should not wash up on beaches. But this morning it happened again on Lesvos. The small body was...

Posted by Lighthouse - Refugee Relief on Lesvos on Sunday, 24 January 2016

Sharing the video, the refugee relief organisation wrote:

"Bodies of baby girls should not wash up on beaches. But this morning it happened again on Lesvos. The small body was found by Lighthouse nurse and local resident Marit while walking her dogs on Kagia beach next to Skala Sikamineas.

"Our doctor on-call, Mustafa, and a small team of Lighthouse volunteers were called to the scene to keep it private and dignified while waiting for the police to arrive.

"Living on Kagia beach with only a few neighbours, Marit and her family have been helping refugees arrive there, day and night, for many years.

"'This is the first time I have found a body on the beach. Before I have found bodies that I thought were dead but were in fact alive and could be saved. This is something that can happen anytime to our friends and neighbours. It is a part of life here. Sometimes the fishermen even pull up bodies in their nets. Still, it is impossible to prepare for what I saw today. In one way, as a nurse, I am relieved I was the one who found her, so that another volunteer didn’t have to.'

"Locals on Lesvos shouldn’t have to worry while walking their dogs. Fishermen shouldn’t have to worry while taking up their nets. Families fleeing from war should not have to lose their babies on the Aegean Sea. Bodies of baby girls should not wash up on beaches."

Greek Islanders are to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for "opening up their hearts and homes to save hundreds of thousands fleeing war and terror".

At least 113 refugees have died while making the dangerous crossing from Turkey to Greece since the beginning of 2016, according to the International Organisation for Migration.

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