Cat is kidnapped, shaved and has Swastika drawn on it


Neela Debnath
Wednesday 18 September 2013 17:04 BST

A cat in New Zealand has become the victim of a cruel prank after it was found shaved with a Swastika drawn on its back.

The owners of Turbo the cat only discovered their beloved moggy had been shaved after trying to stroke him and finding bald patches on his coat.

It is believed that Turbo was wandering around his neighbourhood in Christchurch when he was catnapped, shaved and had the Nazi symbol drawn on him.

Turbo's whiskers were also cut off and patches had been shaved off the top of his head and his back.

Owner Jess McGiffin initially thought that the cat attack was racist because her husband is of Filipino origin but now believes that it was the work of teenagers living nearby.

Speaking to the Fairfax NZ News, Ms. McGiffin said: 'It had obviously just happened. I just cried'.

'The scariest bit is they took my cat off the street, took him somewhere [and] held him down,' she added.

The authorities have been notified and the police are still trying to find the perpetrators of the attack which has left Turbo looking worse for wear.

Luckily, the one-year-old feline appears to be unfazed by the ordeal but he is being kept inside by his owners until his whiskers grow back.

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