'More leaks are on the way' says Prism programme whistleblower Edward Snowden


Sanchez Manning
Tuesday 18 June 2013 08:07 BST
Snowden has claimed more leaks are on the way
Snowden has claimed more leaks are on the way (AP)

The US whistleblower who revealed the existence of the National Security Agency’s Prism surveillance system claimed yesterday that more leaks were on the way, adding: “Truth is coming out and it cannot be stopped.”

Edward Snowden, 29, said that more detail about how the NSA accessed personal information would be published soon.

He also took the opportunity to lambast the US government for “destroying” any possibility he had for a fair trial in the US by openly declaring him guilty of treason.

He said: “That’s not justice, and it would be foolish to volunteer yourself to it if you can do more good outside of prison than in it.”

In the live Q&A on The Guardian’s website, Snowden also denied claims that he had revealed any details of US operations against legitimate military targets and said he had only pointed out where the NSA had hacked civilian infrastructure such as universities and hospitals.

And he dismissed accusations by the former Vice President Dick Cheney that he was a traitor to his country, saying: “Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honour you can give an American.”

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