Egypt unrest: Interim leader Adly Mansour seeks quick elections after bloodshed


Kunal Dutta
Tuesday 09 July 2013 11:32 BST

Egypt’s interim head of state has set out a tentative timetable for new elections in a bid to curtail the bloodshed gripping the country.

Adly Mansour offered hope of new parliamentary elections under a timetable that was set out late on Monday night in the aftermath of fierce clashes in Cairo that saw more than 50 people killed.

Mr Mansour envisages changes to the Islamist-drafted constitution, which was suspended last week following the removal of President Mohamed Morsi from power which would pave the way for elections as early as February next year. This would be done by creating two appointed committees to work out amendments to the constitution passed under ousted president Morsi. A referendum on the new document would be held within four months.

Elections for a new parliament would be held within two months after that, around mid-February. Once the new parliament convenes, it would have a week to set new presidential elections.

The declaration came after clashes with security forces earlier today left more than 50 Morsi supporters dead - one of the deadliest incidents in more than two years of turmoil. The toppled leader's Muslim Brotherhood called for an uprising, accusing troops of gunning down protesters, while the military blamed armed Islamists for provoking its forces. The Muslim Brotherhood has so far made no public comment on the proposed timetable.

Video: Tony Blair on Egyptian army's actions

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