Donald Trump uses his own wife Melania for material - and it's the joke that brings the house down

'Oh I’m in trouble when I go home tonight. She didn’t know about that one'

Heather Saul
Friday 21 October 2016 11:04 BST
Donald Trump actually made a good joke last night... at Melania's expense

Melania Trump just can not seem to catch a break during her husband’s Presidential campaign. Between the uncovering of lewd comments and defiantly worn pussy bows, nude pictures ungraciously republished on the cover of magazines and a speech that sounded very familiar for all of the wrong reasons, it hasn’t been the most dignified few weeks for the former model and contender for First Lady.

But the end is in sight, she must have been telling herself this past week; the election is only a few weeks away and an extended holiday is probably peering just over the horizon, regardless of the outcome. The annual Catholic Archdiocese of New York charity dinner she was attending on Thursday evening with her husband was a much-needed reprieve from political sparring, an event where caustic swipes are swapped for more light-hearted jokes delivered at the other candidate's expense and one she could finally relax at.

Mr Trump’s performance was predictable, his increasingly aggressive material eventually leading some diners to boo. But a few of his jokes went down well.

Especially when he decided to move his skit away from Hillary Clinton and roast his own wife instead.

“You know Michelle Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it, it’s fantastic. They think she’s absolutely great," he began.

“My wife Melania gives the exact same speech and people get on her case, and I don’t get it! I don’t know why. And it wasn’t her fault." As if that wasn’t enough, he then compounded her embarrassment by asking her to stand. “Oh I’m in trouble when I go home tonight. She didn’t know about that one. Am I okay? Is it okay? Cardinal, please speak to her.”

Unfortunately for Melania, it was the joke that brought the house down.

The pained smile stretched across her face speaks volumes.

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