
Friday 09 October 1992 23:02 BST

TODAY: Mr Lance Cairns, cricketer, 43; Sir John Cassels, former director-general, National Economic Development Office, 64; Mr Winston S. Churchill MP, 52; Mr James Clavell, novelist and screenwriter, 66; Mr Charles Dance, actor, 46; Miss Laura Davies, golfer, 29; Mr Ted Edgar, show jumper, 57; Miss Fiona Fullerton, actress, 36; The Right Rev Alastair Haggart, former Bishop of Edinburgh, 77; Miss Helen Hayes, actress, 92; Sir Peter Kemp, civil servant, 58; Lord Kincraig, former senator of the College of Justice in Scotland, 74; Professor John Large, acoustics engineer, 62; Mr Charles Madge, author and sociologist, 80; Mr Daniel Massey, actor, 59; Mr Nicholas Parsons, quizmaster on radio and television, 64; The Right Rev Kenneth Pillar, former Suffragan Bishop of Hertford, 68; Mr Harold Pinter, playwright, 62; Dr Brian Smith, master, St Catherine's College, Oxford, 59; The Earl of Stockton, publisher, 49; Mr Chris Tarrant, broadcaster, 46; Mr Frank H. Taylor, former MP and chartered accountant, 85; Mr Gerald Thompson, former chairman of Kleinwort Benson, 82; Mr Richard Thornton, Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey, 70; Mr Midge Ure, rock singer, 39; Mr Ben Vereen, actor, 46; Mr Willard White, baritone, 46.

TOMORROW: Sir Godfrey Agnew, former chairman, Lady Clare Ltd, 79; Mr David Baxandall, former Director of the National Galleries of Scotland, 87; Sir Anthony Beaumont-Dark, former MP, 60; Miss Maria Bueno, tennis player, 53; Sir Adam Butler, former MP and government minister, 61; Mr Bobby Charlton, footballer, 55; Vice-Admiral Sir John Coward, commandant, Royal College of Defence Studies, 55; Sir Timothy Daunt, ambassador to Turkey, 57; Sir Michael Edwardes, company chairman, 62; Miss Dawn French, actress and comedienne, 35; Sir Donald Gibson, architect, 84; Mr Geoffrey Haslam, insurance company director, 78; Sir Denys Henderson, chairman, ICI, 60; Mr Charles Jones, project director, Centre for British Teachers, 58; Vice-Admiral Sir Ian McIntosh, 73; Mr Alan Pascoe, former Olympic hurdler, 45; Maj-Gen Francis Piggott, 82; Lord Prior, former Northern Ireland secretary, 65; Dame Diana Reader Harris, former headmistress of Sherborne School for Girls, 80; Mr David Rendall, tenor, 44; Mr Jerome Robbins, choreographer, 74; Air Marshal Sir Michael Stear, 54; Lord Tordoff, former President of the Liberal Party, 64; Mrs Elizabeth Despard Ward, president, British Kidney Patient Association, 66; Mr Thomas Wheare, headmaster of Bryanston School, 48; Mr Tony Worthington MP, 51.

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