i Assistant Editor's Letter: Congratulations iQuiz winners


Rhodri Jones
Wednesday 29 May 2013 23:38 BST

Teams from universities all over the country made their way to Birmingham’s magnificent Ikon Gallery last night for the final of the second iQuiz final. With first prize a pair of weekend tickets to the Latitude festival, competition was fierce as the best student brains around the country did battle.

To be honest, a quick glance around the room made me wonder how exactly many of the teams managed to make it there in the first place. I have to thank National Express for that – although the lure of half a chicken tikka sandwich and a warm bottle of beer clearly played some part!

It takes me back, more than a few years and a fistful of grey hairs (byline pictures can be misleading), to my university days. Tactics for the less-popular societies were simple – offer a free glass of wine and students will sign up for anything – just as I did. (Before I get accosted by the drinking police, as long as it’s in moderation, as with anything in life, I don’t have a problem.)

It took three months to excuse myself of rowing duties – three months of very early mornings on a freezing river. But at least it provided one of my most memorable university moments – seeing the look of panic on the faces of eight grown men when a friend “accidentally” punctured a hole in the bottom of the boat, cutting short our early morning outing the night after the rugby club dinner.

But congratulations to the winners: “Ukip If You Want To” from Warwick University. Now the next, arguably more difficult, challenge facing them is getting home in one piece. At least it’s less walk of shame, more walk of fame.

Twitter.com: @jonesrhodri

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