Seven signs you're stuck in permanent adolescence

Lifestyle Writer Rachel Hosie ponders whether if we're living longer, it's justified to act like a teenager into our adult years

Rachel Hosie
Wednesday 21 December 2016 17:37 GMT
(Getty Images/iStockphoto
(Getty Images/iStockphoto (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Growing up is hard. And for today’s young adults, it seems to be happening increasingly slowly.

But now that people are living longer, does it really matter if we grow up slower?

25 or even 30 could be becoming the new 21, so why not cling onto the hazy days of youth for as long as possible?

That said, there are some traits that any self-respecting adult really should’ve left behind.

Here are seven signs you’re stuck in permanent adolescence:

1. You want your food instantly and throw a tantrum if you have to wait - isn’t it the worst when Deliveroo tells you your meal is just 11 minutes away but then it suddenly jumps up to 20? HOW DARE THEY!?

2. You refuse to do chores - even washing up a cereal bowl is too much effort for some millennials so there’s no way they’re going to wash up multiple pots, pans and baking trays. Speaking of which…

3. You eat retro foods from your childhood - potato smiley faces, spaghetti hoops and turkey dinosaurs are all making a comeback because a) they’re delicious, b) we’re nostalgic, and c) they tend to involve little more cooking than bunging in the oven (on a foil-covered baking tray to save on washing up, of course).

4. You get pocket money from your parents - times are tough for today’s millennials, but regular handouts from the Bank of Mum and Dad, whilst gratefully received and never declined, can make you feel like a teenager receiving pocket money.

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5. You live with your parents - particularly soul-destroying for some young adults who’ve flown the nest only to be forced to return, the lack of independence is not the one. The laundry services and well-stocked fridge, however, you can just about put up with.

6. You stay up too late - even though you know you have to go to work in the morning, you seem very good at forgetting that every night. Just one more scroll through Instagram…

7. You fall in love quickly - puppy love isn’t just for puppies and it turns out you don’t stop getting crushes once you leave your teenage years behind. Only now instead of passing notes in the classroom you’re trying to charm your beloved over the office messenger.

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