'I wish I hadn't worked so hard': The most common regrets in life revealed

There’s always something we wish we had done differently

Sarah Young
Monday 01 January 2018 10:39 GMT
Wandering ‘what if?’ can often lead to long list of regrets
Wandering ‘what if?’ can often lead to long list of regrets (Getty)

For many of us, wandering ‘what if?’ can often lead to long list of regrets.

There’s always something we wish we had done differently, not at all or had the time to do more of.

And, it’s these major regrets in life that spurred a recent Reddit thread where users candidly shared the things they would do differently in hindsight.

For some, the doubts were relatively superficial - like regretting not keeping fit as they got older.

“Getting fat is my only regret,” one user wrote.

Another added, ““Not lifting weights in high school. Now I have to constantly fight against my body to force it into shape.”

However, one of the most common regrets centred on heartbreak or ending a relationship prematurely.

“That regret you have when you break up with someone thinking “I can do better than this”, and then over the next several years slowly come to realise that, no, you're never going to do better than that.”

One person even offered up some serious advice on the topic adding, “Here's a life tip, show your SO you love them, and don't let your insecurities poison your mind.”

Similarly, others encouraged fellow users to appreciate their loved ones before it’s too late.

One person shared their tragic story writing, “After our son was born, we were doing the new parent freak-out thing and hadn't called my grandma though we knew she was really excited.

“Was going to call on the weekend but she had a fatal heart attack on the Wednesday.

“Please make time to call/visit the special people in your life, because you might not get to later.”

Many users also said that they wished they’d spent less time working and more time actually enjoying life.

“I regret being so serious and working so hard sometimes.

“I think back and, although I'm proud of myself and my accomplishments…I feel like I missed something important, I feel like I was never young.”

While for others, it was focusing too much on what the future held rather than living in the here and now that played on their mind.

“Never living in the moment. There is a tendency for people to be so focused on what possibilities the future holds that they lose sight of the opportunities right in front of them.”

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