McItaly announced and served-up with political support

Relax News
Saturday 30 January 2010 01:00 GMT

The McItaly line of burgers was unveiled this week with the help of Italy's Agriculture Minister, Luca Zaia at the McDonald’s near the Spanish steps in Rome.

The new slogan proudly boasts "McDonald's speaks Italian" (in Italian). The McItaly burger is made with 100% Italian produced ingredients and according to Zaia this is a big win for Italy if the McItaly menu goes global– so much so that ads carry a governmental seal.

The menu of McItaly burgers includes various combinations with artichoke spread, Asiago cheese, Italian olive oil, beef, bread, smoked pancetta, bresaola (air-dried salted beef) and Parmesan cheese. The ingredients might make a foodie’s mouth water, but instead there is a collective scream best articulated by Matthew Fort of The Guardian, the McItaly is "monstrous act of national betrayal".

McDonald’s is leaving the decision up to the Italians. The burgers are available only in Italy for the next seven weeks – if 3.5 million are sold, international markets might be soon serving McItaly burgers.


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