London drag artist Charity Kase to create 100 unique elaborate characters every day for 100 days

Harry Whitfield has taken to Instagram to document each look

Sarah Young
Wednesday 22 February 2017 18:29 GMT
Whitfield uses hand-crafted facial prosthetics and elaborate make-up artistry to create each look
Whitfield uses hand-crafted facial prosthetics and elaborate make-up artistry to create each look

Pulling out all the stops for a momentus, 100 day-long challenge, London-based drag artist Charity Kase has taken to Instagram to document the creation of a new character every single day.

Beginning on January 1st, Harry Whitfield, the creator behind Charity, set out to improve his makeup and special effects skills by exploring the extraordinary world of his drag alter ego.

Unlike similar challenges – think Phi Phi O’Hara’s 365 Drag challenge – Whitfield is creating a completely new look every day with no preparation in advance and the finished guises go way beyond just applying a bit of slap.

From complicated hand-crafted facial prosthetics to elaborate make-up artistry, each post on the artists Instagram page is accompanied with a short passage that embodies the personality and story behind each persona.

“I think if I was just doing a makeup look each day that would be a lot easier, but I’m making all my prosthetics and costume pieces on the same day too,” Whitfield told Out Magazine.

53 days in, the talented artist has tackled everything from Ronald McDonald and the Evil Queen from Snow White to champagne bunnies and voodoo dolls citing fantasy TV series, films and books as his muse.

And, while it’s easy to get lost in the perfection of Whitfield’s enthralling Instagram feed, he explains that these intricate characters come at a price.

“I’ve often been forgetting to eat and also been sleeping a lot less, but it’s all worth it for the art.

“There have been plenty of days when I've woken up and putting soggy cotton wool and toilet paper on my face is the last thing I want to do, but those are the days I end up impressing myself.”

As for what happens after day 100? Whitfield says to tune into his Instagram on day 101 to find out.

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