Can't make it? Fake it

Sunday 23 February 1997 00:02 GMT

THE RIGHT lighting can lift even the blandest interior, so it's worth an investment buy. Box Products, a product design company based in London's Oxo Tower development, have become popular with the capital's growing band of loft dwellers and others faced with large, unforgiving spaces.

Wall wash lights such as their Visor and Issimo are a simple alternative to recessed ceiling spots. The Visor (pounds 145) is ceiling mounted and will revolve a full 360 degrees. Mounted close to a wall, it will send down a wash of light. It can also be mounted under counters for a more subtle effect.

The Issimo (pounds 145) also gives a wall wash, but is wall mounted and more dramatic: light bleeds out of the top and bottom and perforations give a peppering effect.

More striking still is the Vertebral Uplighter (pounds 172.75). Diachroic lamps fit into each of its louvres, washing their surfaces with light and sending arcing planes across the ceiling.

Box Products are at Unit 2.28, Oxo Tower Wharf, Bargehouse Street, London SE1 9PH, 0171 401 2288

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