Words: challenge, v.

Christopher Hawtree
Friday 19 November 1999 00:02 GMT

TO REVISE a classic risks pillory. Eric Partridge would wearily understand Janet Whitcut's prefatory remark to her new version of Usage and Abusage (Penguin) that some of his vigorous battles are long lost and "no longer worth discussing".

She, too, includes "vogue words", albeit briefly: "basically", "hands- on", "paradigm", "caring", "dimension", etc. Absent is one noted by the computer guru Derek Goodlake: reports are now challenged, not queried or questioned. Challenge has gone through many shades of meaning. Via Old French, it is from Latin calumnia, false accusation. In a dispute, it should mean a shot across the bows, not sniping. As grim is a neighbourhood's "regeneration", often used by the MP Ivor Caplin when he means more chain- stores.

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