The Walking Dead season 8 episode 5: Rick sees a helicopter - but whose is it? The contenders

*Major spoilers for The Walking Dead season 8 episode 5*

Jacob Stolworthy
Monday 20 November 2017 12:46 GMT

It's been a rather stressful season of The Walking Dead thus far for Rick, and many fans believe All Out War could be taking its toll on the warrior following a moment in the show's latest episode - a scene which has sparked excitement.

While Father Gabriel and Negan largely took centre stage for this week's outing, titled 'The Big Scary U,' viewers also caught up with Rick and Daryl amid the former allies' intensifying rivalry which came to a head after the two had a scrap over differing opinions on how to take Negan down.

As the two go their separate ways, Rick charges onwards - but is taken aback by the sight of a helicopter flying overhead.

Is Rick hallucinating? Or is he seeing a real-life helicopter in the sky?

The argument for the latter is strengthened by an interview with Gabriel actor Seth Gilliam who told that the script merely stated Rick heard the helicopter - not that he saw one.

However, other theories are abounding - one rather tenuous suggestion being that the helicopter could explain away what was initially believed to be an error in the junkyard scenes back in season 7.

Another theory claims that the vehicle could belong to an entirely new faction yet to be introduced - perhaps New World Order, a new high-tech group recently introduced in the comics.

Some fans are keeping their fingers crossed this could be a prelude to the recently announced crossover with spinoff series Fear the Walking Dead.

Either way, the helicopter's inclusion adds a tantalising facet to an episode that ended with a huge cliffhanger throwing the fate of a certain character into question.

Fans naturally expressed their excitement and confusion via social media.

The Walking Dead season 8 airs every Sunday in the US on AMC with the UK premiere arriving the following evening on FOX. It will also be available on NOWTV

Watch the trailer for next week's episode here.

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