Mean Tweets: Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie and Paul Rudd feature in particularly good new batch

'Bryan Cranston looks like Jim Carrey impersonating Matthew McConaughey.'

Christopher Hooton
Thursday 22 September 2016 08:56 BST

Jimmy Kimmel Live’s Mean Tweets segment is admittedly getting a little weary (no thanks to others ripping it off), but its tenth edition combined a pretty staggering cadre of actors with some wonderfully inventive burns.

“Kate Hudson is a dead eyed trash bag that smells like low tide,” the actress can’t help but laugh, while Hugh Grant is told that “Watching Hugh Grant and his stutteringly pathetic ‘charm’ is about as appealing to me as closing my scrotum in a DVD case.”

There’s also the stunningly apt: “Why does Ryan Gosling always look like he’s trying to squeeze a fart out without it making any noise?” and brutally succinct: “Greg Kinear stars in holy f**k who gives a s**t. Coming soon.”

One Twitter user speculates that with Paul Rudd, “You know he just sits at home with his wife having a bland spaghetti dinner talking about his day” and Kiefer Sutherland closes the segment by flipping the bird at: “I keep forgetting Kiefer Sutherland isn’t dead.”

It’s probably healthy for celebrities to get this dose of humility, long may it continue.

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