Game of Thrones season 6 teaser clips show Daenerys, Cersei and Ramsay returns

April is coming.

Christopher Hooton
Monday 07 December 2015 09:45 GMT

HBO is starting to ramp up the excitement for Game of Thrones season 6, if it even needed to, teasing the first clips from new episodes in a 'Yearender' round-up.

New footage is scant, but sees:

- Cersei, with her hair growing back following the Walk of Atonement, hugging her son King Tommen

- A slightly dishevelled Daenerys Targaryen out in the wilderness

- Ramsay Bolton accompanied by bannermen, apparently ready for battle



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The clips (which start at 2:15) are the only fresh ones, the others seen in HBO's promo having been taken from season 5 or earlier.

They follow a season 6 teaser which dropped last week but contained no new footage, and a poster which seemingly confirmed what we all knew - that Jon Snow will be coming back from the dead.

Exciting though they are, they only serve to create a thirst for more - something which should be sated next month when we get a proper trailer.

Game of Thrones season 6 arrives on HBO and Sky Atlantic in April, probably on the 24th.

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