Liese Spencer
Tuesday 29 August 1995 23:02 BST


Bedlam (venue 49), 2 Forrest Rd (0131-225 9893); 12m'nt; 31 Aug to 2 Sept

A woman in a dressing-gown sits surrounded by TVs that suddenly crackle into life, juxtaposing her nocturnal vigil with film of the Edinburgh club scene outside. Then her E'd-up partner Muir returns from a rave with a couple of friends. A revelatory night follows as the four characters fight and bond, uncovering uncomfortable truths about their relationships. Jackie learns that Muir deals and beats up Helen, and becomes a catalyst for Helen's self-realisation. Avoiding "just say no" didacticism, Anita Sullivan's new play questions whether drugs facilitate or block communication. Realistic acting and dialogue ensure that the themes of drugs and sexual politics are described with a light touch.

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