pop van morrison

Tim Perry
Friday 17 September 1999 23:02 BST

Now comfortably ensconced in his mid-fifties, the Belfast legend still takes his regular roadtrips round the country and, if his performance at the Fleadh this year is anything to go by, the curmudgeonly one is in good form. As well as playing a selection from his well-received current album, Back on Top, he rolled out the real gems from his early days at that festival, including "Gloria", "Brown Eyed Girl" and "Here Comes the Night". Whether he'll do those or not on this tour, which begins in Nottingham, is entirely down to his whim on the night, but whatever you do don't badger him vocally to play them or he could throw one of his tantrums. Morrison's moodiness does have its drawbacks - but when everything flows the man has few, if any, equals.

St David's Hall, Cardiff (01222 878444) tomorrow; Guildhall, Portsmouth (01705 824355) Mon

Tim Perry

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