Letter: Cures for the NHS

Name,Address Supplied
Monday 18 January 1999 00:02 GMT

Sir: I write as one who has had the good fortune to reach the age of 75. This I can attribute largely to the excellence of the NHS, who successfully treated a near-fatal heart attack 10 years ago. (Details to substantiate this claim include a very swift-acting GP, a good ambulance service which brought me to a cardiac unit five minutes before the start of a fatal form of arrhythmia; that required 10 defibrillator applications and appropriate drugs to restore normal rhythm.)

I read now that there is a shortage of intensive care beds and nurses, and I think it is right that under no circumstances should I (or others like me) take up any part of this valuable facility. I am sending a copy of this letter to my GP so that he can take other appropriate measures if needed.


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