Cinema lets you watch Groundhog Day on Groundhog Day for 24 hours

"What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?"

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 01 February 2016 16:44 GMT

Liverpool's The Small Cinema is helping locals celebrate Groundhog Day the right way, by slowly driving themselves crazy whilst watching the 1993 Bill Murray comedy 12 times in a row over the course of 24 hours.

Starting at 6am on Tuesday 2 February, Groundhog Day, the cinema will screen back-to-back showings of the film. Part endurance test, part celebration of Harold Ramis' classic feelgood film; they'll be offering potential filmgoers four different ways to experience the mayhem.

The constitutionally weak can plump for a single viewing, or perhaps a double if they're at least showing some commitment to the cause. The Twilight Hog ticket allows viewers to spend as much of their daytime or nighttime with the film, while the Whole Hog is the true test: 24 hours, with sandwiches and tea as the fuel to success.

Christopher Brown, who works at 56-seater establishment, told the BBC the idea was "a mixture of silliness and genuine endurance challenge." An experience he then compared to, "trying to eat crackers without a glass of water [or] having a doughnut without licking your lips. At the very least, it'll give the audience a new-found appreciation for Bill Murray's character's plight."

The marathon is also hoping to raise sponsorship money for the future screening of free films.

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