Iain Gale
Friday 15 December 1995 01:02 GMT

Emil Nolde The work of German Expressionist Nolde has had a profound effect on western painting in the 20th century. Following the career of this mystical colourist, from the early Biblical paintings (Dancing Girls, right) to the work done while in hiding from the Nazis, this is unmissable. Whitechapel Gallery, London E1; to 25 Feb

John Moore's Prize Sixty of the country's finest painters have been selected from some 1,600 entrants to this year's prize. Here they are, including winner, abstractionist David Leapman. Highlights: Mark Francis, Albert Irvin, Hughie O'Donog-hue, Mark Wallinger, Rose Warnock. Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, to 28 Jan

Africa This show, the central focus of the Africa '95 season, has, despite much pre-opening speculation, also proved the strongest. Congratulations to artist/curator Tom Phillips for his inspired crash course in the art of a too-often-forgotten continent. RA, London W1; to 21 Jan


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