Dance: EVENT OF THE WEEK: Cool Heat Urban Beat until 26 Sept Peacock Theatre

Louise Levene
Friday 18 September 1998 23:02 BST

If you haven't been, go. If you have been, go again. Cool Heat Urban Beat - an alliance of hip-hoppers and tap-dancers of breathtaking virtuosity - has another week to run at London's Peacock Theatre, where its matchless blend of street wisdom and stage presence has won universal acclaim from dance critics. Everyone succumbed to the high-energy mix and even the discerning Clement Crisp - hardly an urban rap enthusiast - enjoyed himself, insisting that the astonishing Herbin Van Cayseele was "a dancer touched with greatness" and bracketing his talents with Bojangles Robinson and Fred Astaire. The entire evening is enormous fun and takes the form of a danced duel between the fast-flipping, tail-spinning hip-hoppers and the sleek jazz percussion of the tap-dancers. The latter may win on points, but who's counting?

Peacock Theatre to 26 Sept (0171-863 8222)

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